Working Area | Target Client | MAP
Working Area
Janautthan Samudayic Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd. has 11 Terai districts from Kanchanpur to Parsa and additional 8 hilly districts as its working areas. The bank has started its operation from Kapilvastu, Nawalparasi and Rupandehi as JUP has its groups functioning in these districts. Bank has now operating through its 39 branches. Gradually it will move on establishing the branches in other districts as its institutional capacity grows. However, Bank gives more priority to the financially unreached area and people while expanding its services.
Target Client
The target group of the Janautthan Samudayic Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited consists of landless,marginal landholder,tenants,occupational groups,migrant workers,internally displaced people,various users groups and child clubs as well.